Thursday, September 23, 2010

a letter to beloved frenz

x smpai ati nk skit kn atik simpn rhsia yg bley mnyakitkn ati korg . trpkse sembunyi kn perasaan aq n kebenaran spaye korg x skit ati ..
but nape korg skitkn ati aq bnyk kali ? Y ??
pdahal , aq x snggup nk skitkn korg .
aq hnye lah makhluk allah yg lemah x bley wt pape
but aq bley epi kn korg .. wlaupun aq x bley epi kn diri aq sndiri..
i like to see u guyz smile,laugh..ske sngaaat tngok korg bahagia
aq merayu untuk kali ni je..
TOLONG jngan wt aq cmni..Pls !
aq dh cukup trsekse..
npe korg msti skit kn ati aq ?
im begging u..please
dont hurt me ..


What do i do , when all i see
around me are walls ?
How do i keep going , when each
steps i take , is meet with more
obstacles ?
What do i do , when each day
seems like a battle ?
How do i drag myself up each
morning , when i dont see the
point of all ?
How can i tell myself , to be
strong , when there isnt a
single positive thought to sustain
me through the day ?
What do i do , when i myself am
sick of complaining ?
Who else do i turn to , when
im guilty of burdening
my loved ones ?
When does who are care
are not near ,
And those whe are near
not really care ?
What do i do , stuck in this
endless whirlwind of ill luck
I envy those who at least have
the option of giving up
What do i do ???

Friday, September 17, 2010

EMO poems

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


i remember the time he smile like the sunshine . remember the melody of his voice .remember the song of his laughter . remember the time he play with the little ones with love n tender . remember the shyness on his face . remember seeing the kindness he make.
remember the time i push his hand . remember the time he stare with many questions in his mind.
remember the sadness on his face that looks like the cloudy sky . remember the time hes forced to leave . remember seeing his car goes through the darkness of the night remember the time i regret that i didnt say goodbye .

rindu , rindu

haihh.peningnye !
ape nk wt ni ??
rindu gler kt die ...

aq ade 2 option :

  • lupekan die n cbe mngelak dri die
  • cinta die n rindu die stiap saat..tnggu die smpai 4 , 5 taun
dh 7 taun jmpe..tpi dlu aq wt bodo je kt die..dlu aq mcm "oh akmal . mmpos la die . pe aq kesah "
tpi skg mcm dh laen..dlu die n kecik je..taun ni , nmpk dh matg ! but still lgi pendek dri aq . ;P
aq pn x tau cmne bleh ske die..klau die ske aq pn ,mybe die x kn jdi milik aq..msti family rejek.